UAV Surveying and Mapping

With our UAVs, we are able to three-dimensionally survey large and/or difficult-to-access areas in an efficient, contact-free and high-precision manner. From the photos or laser scanning data taken during flights (photogrammetry), we process a 3D point cloud, on the basis of which we derive high-precision data records, such as georeferenced orthomosaic photos and digital terrain models (DSMs / DTMs / height grids). By means of GIS, CAD or BIM software, colourful topographic maps, site plans and as-built plans can efficiently be created out of this material.



  • Point clouds as a result of 3D UAV surveying / 3D documentation
  • Orthomosaic photos from different recording angles; e.g. of façades, towers or bridges (recording from bottom to top)
  • Georeferenced orthomosaic photos of the earth surface in a wide variety of scales and resolutions
  • Digital terrain models, including digital elevation models (DEM), digital terrain models (DTM) and digital surface models (DSM)
  • 3D models and 2D drawings
  • Volume calculation and quantity surveying
    • Regular documentation of volume and quantity movements, development and subsidence
    • Difference comparison of quantity changes (delta calculation)
    • Data logging for inventories and accounting for stock levels (value determination)
    • Target/actual comparisons for checking and/or determining consumption
    • Determining and updating forecasted billing quantities
    • Calculating filling volumes
    • Calculating removed and added volumes and volume orders
    • Monitoring slope movements
    • Cubature calculations
    • Project progress measurements


The point cloud allows for the depiction of complex surface structures and objects using a large number of single points in a three-dimensional coordinate system, which is usually defined by X, Y and Z coordinates. The point cloud is the first UAV surveying result. The scanned points taken from our UAVs using photogrammetry or a UAV LiDAR scanner result in a dense point cloud after processing. Additional results, such as orthomosaic photos, 2D map material and 3D terrain models with respect to surveying, can be deduced from the point cloud.


Orthomosaic photos, or orthophotos for short, refer to distortion-free images of the earth’s surface or surfaces such as façades or bridges. The images are aligned with each other precisely by means of bundle adjustment. Furthermore, all distortion arising during the creation of the image material is removed. This enables the correct depiction of the earth surface or surfaces.



Orthomosaic photos are distortion-free and true-to-scale images of the earth’s surface. Georeferenced orthomosaic photos are a final product of an UAV surveying mission with a spatial reference through a coordinate system. The opportunities for using georeferenced orthomosaic photos are highly diverse and range from surveying, cartography, use in GIS software (geographic information systems), use in rural and urban planning, right through to visualisation. Orthomosaic photos are produced in accordance with the purpose of use to various scales and resolutions


With our drones, we are able to record large spaces such as stockpiles, landfills, quarries and construction zones three-dimensionally in an efficient, contact-free and high-precision manner in order to be able to survey them. We produce a 3D point cloud out of the images captured during a flight (photogrammetry) or laser scanning data, on the basis of which we perform an exact volume and quantity calculation of actual conditions. By doing two flights at different times we can document an exact delta (difference comparison) of quantity changes. Target/actual comparisons also pose no problem at all. Furthermore, volume calculation and quantity surveying deliver orthomosaic photos if it is necessary for orientation or for defining materials and/or storage spaces.


Digital terrain model is a generic term for various types of digital elevation models (DEMs), such as the digital terrain model. The digital terrain model (DTM) is selected when elevation structure is of key importance and only the natural earth surface is required. Elements which are not required or desired, such as vegetation and various objects, are not included or depicted in the model.  A digital surface model, or DSM for short, refers to an exact depiction of actual conditions in which not only the surface but also elements located there, such as vegetation and buildings, are depicted. Digital terrain models generally portray very realistic and true-to-scale illustrations of landscapes, surfaces and objects and offer a wide range of application options.


The measure – referred to as both ground sampling distance and ground pixel resolution – provides information on the level of resolution of an image point (pixel) on the ground illustrated (earth’s surface). If we take a GSD of 1 cm, by way of example, this means one pixel in an image, say of an orthomosaic photo, represents one centimetre of the surface. We can use the GSD to determine the resolution, level of detail and thus the quality of an aerial photograph. The smaller the value of the GSD, the more detailed and more precise the depiction – this, in turn, means a larger amount of data.